Fridays 9.30-10.30am at the Palairet Hall
£30 for five sessions or £8 drop in.
Also online classes on Tuesdays from 6.30 - 8pm
£30 for five sessions or £7 drop in
Yoga means union.
By bringing our attention to our postures and our breath we form a connection between our minds and our bodies, becoming more focused and present.
The physical benefits are many – it increases both strength and flexibility and improves posture and balance.
There are many different schools and styles. I teach Hatha Yoga which is the most common and involves the traditional aspects of yoga such as practising postures, breathing and awareness.
My Friday class at the Palairet Hall is a mid-level class and needs some degree of flexibility and stamina. An underlying principle of yoga is “Do no harm” so I always provide suggestions for different levels of ability and for managing different aches and pains!
I have been practicing yoga for a 25 years. I did my teacher training with the Devon School of Yoga in 2007-09 and have been teaching 2 or 3 classes a week since then. It is a bit addictive – I can’t imagine life without it.
Contact: Barbi Lund
07846 335636
